Buckinghamshire Council Culvert Policy
10. Acronyms and definitions
EA – Environment Agency
LPA –Local Planning Authority
BC - Buckinghamshire Council
LLFA – Lead Local Flood Authority
IDB – Internal Drainage Board
LDA – Land Drainage Act
WFD – Water Framework Directive
Ordinary Watercourse – all rivers, streams, ditches, drains, cuts, dykes, sluices, sewers (other than public sewers) and other passages through which water flows that are not designated as main rivers.
Main River – all watercourses shown as such on the statutory main river maps held by the Environment Agency and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Bridge – an open span structure that carries a road, footpath, railway etc. over a watercourse.
Culvert – a covered channel or pipeline of any size, which is used to continue a watercourse or drainage path under an artificial obstruction.