Buckinghamshire Education Strategy 2022 to 2027

We developed a strategy for education and skills for Buckinghamshire in 2018, following collaboration and consultation with key stakeholders. It was designed to help guide continuous improvement in educational provision in Buckinghamshire until 2022.
Following further collaboration and engagement with a range of partners, we've refreshed the strategy to show the progress we've made and highlight the areas we need to focus on in future.
The review of the strategy is timely, as we're still working through an unprecedented period of uncertainty and change due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent events have had a significant impact on the education of our children and young people. Now we must review and reformulate our ambitions for education in a post-pandemic world.
We've achieved and improved on many things since the launch of the Education and Skills Strategy 2018 to 2022 but there is much more that we need to do, together with our partners, to secure the best outcomes for children and young people.
This strategy sets out how we can work together to secure a better future for all of our children and young people in Buckinghamshire.