Opportunity Bucks campaign header

Opportunity Bucks - Activity Showcase

The ambition for the Opportunity Bucks programme is to improve opportunities for all, focusing on five key themes - Education and youth engagement; Jobs, careers and skills; Standard of living; Quality of public realm; and Health and wellbeing.


Opportunity Bucks is a long-term programme that involves working with:

  • local partners
  • the voluntary and community sector
  • businesses
  • other public sector bodies and organisations

Together we are tackling local priorities that will make a difference to the lives and lifestyles of people living in these areas.

Activity showcase

View the activities we've completed as part of Opportunity Bucks so far:

Multiply, maths courses for adults

In February, Buckinghamshire Council’s Adult Learning service took their ‘Multiply Bus’ on the road to spread awareness of the free courses available to help people boost their confidence with numbers.

Multiply is a new government-funded programme to help adults (19 years+) who do not already have a maths GCSE at grade C (or equivalent) improve their numeracy skills. Between Monday 13 February and Friday 24 February, the Multiply Bus visited 15 local community hotspots in Aylesbury, Chesham, and High Wycombe. Course providers, tutors, and members of the Buckinghamshire Adult Learning team were on hand to:

  • promote the free Multiply workshops
  • give local people the opportunity to speak face-to-face with an expert
  • find the right course for potential learners

Over the two-week roadshow, nearly 100 residents registered their interest in a variety of workshops and courses, and visitors also included:

  • Councillor Anita Cranmer, Cabinet Member for Education & Children's Services
  • Councillor Joseph Baum, Deputy Cabinet Member for Skills
  • Councillor Arif Hussain, Mayor of High Wycombe
  • Rob Butler MP for Aylesbury

By promoting the free numeracy courses available as part of the Multiply initiative, the team shared how anyone can benefit from improving their maths skills to support their daily life; from making the most out of money, to getting a new job.

This supports the ambition through the Opportunity Bucks programme to ensure everyone in Buckinghamshire has the opportunity of achieving a good standard of attainment and skills, as well as opportunities to learn and develop.

Find out more about the online Buckinghamshire Adult Learning Multiply workshops as well as additional Skills for Life x Essential skills courses including Adult English, Numeracy and Digital.

Multiply Maths Problem Solver

Photo: The Multiply bus touring the county to help adults with their numeracy skills.

Community Engagement

The Multiply Bus roadshow was also a great opportunity for the Community Opportunities, Engagement and Development team to join Buckinghamshire Adult Learning colleagues at popular community hotspots in Aylesbury, Chesham, and High Wycombe.

The team spoke to passing residents to get an idea of what they like about where they live and what could be improved.

The feedback we received helped to identify priorities for the Opportunity Bucks wards and is helping us to develop local initiatives with local people and partners to make sure everyone in Buckinghamshire has the same opportunities to reach their potential.

Multiply Bus and Opp Bucks in Market Square

Photo: The Multiply bus stops off at Market Square, Aylesbury.

Bucks Skills Show

Thousands of people walked through the doors of Stoke Mandeville Stadium for two days of careers inspiration, at this year’s Bucks Skills Show which took place 8 to 9 March, organised by the Buckinghamshire Skills Hub.

A great mix of students, young adults and people of all ages looking for careers inspiration and guidance visited this year’s event.

They had the opportunity to meet and be inspired by over 120 employers, speak with Universities, Colleges and Apprenticeship providers, and find out what it’s like to work in a variety of key industry sectors.

The Bucks Skills Show was a fantastic example of how local partners are working together to support those currently not in employment to enter or re-enter the workforce, and improve job and career opportunities for residents of all ages.

Bucks skill show

Photo: The Bucks Skill Show at Stoke Mandeville Stadium.

Community Action Days

To tackle Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) concerns, our Community Safety team, along with Thames Valley Police organised Community Action Days in the 10 Opportunity Bucks wards.

Research shows that crime and perceptions of crime are driven by a number of socio-economic factors, including:

  • deprivation
  • unemployment
  • education
  • poor housing
  • the local economy
  • family support
  • access to local services

as well as a range of other factors.

It's also reported that the appearance of an area directly impacts on feelings of safety.

By collaborating with other council services, as well as several external partners and local organisations already involved in the Opportunity Bucks programme, the Community Action Days have expanded to not just tackle ASB concerns but to understand and address some of the underlying drivers for crime.

Along with the other services and partner agencies, a plan of activity has been agreed over 12 months including holding events at local venues for the community to meet and engage with local service providers.

To date, Community Action Days have been held in July and September, supported by approximately 17 services and partners. These include:

  • Neighbourhood Policing Teams
  • Buckinghamshire Council staff:
    • Community Safety & ASB Team
    • Public Health
    • Helping Hand
    • Waste Management
    • Active Travel (bike marking)
    • Community Engagement
  • Neighbourhood Watch
  • Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue
  • Housing Teams
  • Bucks College Group

plus many more.

All these services play a different and vital role in making our communities safer and better for our residents.

The outcomes achieved from the four days held include:

  • resident engagement
  • networking and collaborative working for partners
  • identifying numerous crime and ASB concerns
  • encouraging volunteering
  • raising awareness of health issues
  • undertaking local consultations
  • promoting fire safety
  • neighbourhood watch
  • promoting the various types of support available to our communities

This is in addition to over 100 bags of litter being collected, and several van loads of bulky waste and fly-tipping being cleared. Find out more about future Community Action Days.

community and action days

Photo: A community action day bringing together services and residents.

Jobs and Apprenticeships Fair

The second Buckinghamshire Council Jobs and Apprenticeships Fair took place on Saturday 23 September. Over 400 people came through the doors of the Elgiva Theatre in Chesham, meeting over 25 exhibitors promoting their jobs and apprenticeship opportunities.

The exhibitors there on the day included:

  • Adviza
  • Aegis Security
  • AGR Automation
  • All Spring Media
  • Buckinghamshire Council
  • Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue
  • Buckinghamshire Highways
  • Buckinghamshire Skills Hub
  • Careers Springboard
  • Carousel Buses
  • Community Impact Bucks
  • CPI Selection
  • DWP
  • Haringtons
  • Hospice of St Francis
  • HS2 Limited
  • Neuro Diverse Self Advocacy
  • Oasis
  • Right at Home
  • Silverson Machines
Bucks Jobs Fair photo

Photo: The Buckinghamshire Jobs and Apprenticeships Fair at the Elgiva Theatre.


Children across Buckinghamshire are being given the opportunity to discover the joys of playing safely outside their homes as part of the Play Streets scheme.

The free scheme invites neighbours to apply for permission to close their road for a few hours at a time so that communities can come together, and children can meet up and have fun outdoors. It allows children to play, scoot and cycle on their streets, but also brings neighbours of all ages together to create new opportunities for socialising and friendships, reduce loneliness and prevent social isolation.

It couldn’t be easier to take part.

Check if your street is suitable for a Play Streets session online or find out more about the scheme on the national Playing Out website.

Support is available for those who want to apply for a licence which is provided for one year once granted, so residents can have multiple Play Street events if they wish.

Energy Doctor

Our Domestic Resource Efficiency Officers, also known as Energy Doctors, are helping residents stay warm and save money this winter. Funded by the government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund, our team of Energy Doctors have been visiting eligible homes to carry out energy assessments and fit some instant energy efficiency and water saving measures.

Energy Doctors can:

  • advise on ways that households can reduce energy consumption and costs (eligibility criteria applies)
  • put in place suitable low-cost easy retrofit resource efficiency (LCERRE) measures

Energy Doctor visits are being prioritised for residents who live in the Opportunity Bucks wards. Find out more and request a visit from an Energy Doctor

Energy Doctor team

Photo: The Energy Doctor team showing some of the tools available.

How you can get involved

By listening to the communities in the 10 wards, we want to understand:

  • what you like about where you live
  • what you would like to see to make it better
  • how we can work together on local initiatives to improve

View how you can get involved.