Equality, diversity and inclusion action plan 2022/23
Download a PDF version of the Equality, diversity and inclusion action plan 2022/23 [PDF,3.3MB]
We will continue to embed the progress achieved to date by:
- promoting information to staff to enable participation in networks
- promoting the participation of schools in our EDI work
- continuing to identify opportunities to improve data quality including a plan for the collection of equality metrics to inform and guide required processes over time
- ongoing annual engagement and communication programme, including staff conference and development of content on The Source.
- continuing to build links and benchmark with other authorities.
- rolling out the reasonable adjustments passport and evaluate.
- delivering reverse mentoring pilot and evaluate.
- continuing to deliver manager training
Priorities for 2022/23
Development of training, advice and support
We will further develop the training, advice and support available to embed an inclusive culture.
We will:
- review existing mandatory EDI training and options for moving to regular, measurable, bitesize sessions ensuring staff at all levels have a good understanding of accessibility, diversity and culture and how this needs to be reflected in the way we work and deliver services
- develop a Carers Charter, supported by practical advice for managers about making adjustments/flexibilities
- develop a ‘Skills Network’ to encourage internal experts to offer hints, tips and further opportunity for open discussion around EDI
- pilot facilitated training sessions for teams around ethnicity and racism (building on Children’s services example) to increase situational understanding, empathy and advocacy
- promote conversations about flexibilities and adjustments as part of the C4P conversations
- review the support available for staff in raising issues about their individual working arrangements
- develop content within the Being a Bucks Manager programme around building relationships with staff in a hybrid workplace
- develop and understand guidance on subjects such as carers leave and reasonable adjustments to help navigate personal circumstances in a fair manner across a wider team
- provide guidance to managers about supporting staff participation in EDI networks.
- develop our communications with staff and with customers to be clear that we will not tolerate discrimination towards our staff
Develop recruitment and retention practices
We aim to develop our recruitment and retention practices to increase the diversity of our workforce.
We will:
- ensure all recruitment campaigns include a visible focus on EDI
- develop plans for face-to-face engagement in communities as part of our recruitment strategy, using staff as ambassadors to showcase the variety of roles available in the council and improving the attractiveness of the organisation to candidates from under-represented groups
- investigate and implement best practice with regards to job design such as part time work and job shares, plus ‘job carving’ and include tips on the Source
- develop a training package and tools for managers involved in recruitment to improve awareness of and embed inclusive recruitment practices
- build EDI into Talent Academy work to improve progression and retention
- investigate and develop alternative recruitment and employment methods, with a focus on engaging neurodiverse people and other groups that may find traditional interviews harder to navigate
- carry out research, including through focus groups, to understand the existing experience of staff from protected characteristics within the council; benchmark this against the council as a whole and identify any relevant adjustments
Engage with residents from a diversity of backgrounds and experience
We aim to develop our capabilities to engage with residents from a diversity of backgrounds and experience.
We will:
- at customer contact points across the county (e.g. libraries, housing options, leisure) develop additional tools/ support to assist the front line workforce to deliver council services that are more inclusive around language, disability and sensory impairment (supporting single point of access)
- develop workshops and guidance for staff on communication and engagement with different groups within the population, linked to the Customer First programme
- deliver training programme and support for staff around accessible formats and plain English, drawing on best practice from service areas
- develop an organisational approach to the use of interpreters, translators and other communication based adjustments for customers, to improve efficiency and ease of access for the community
How we measure our success
We will measure our success through:
- participation in the networks
- Together Survey results around awareness
- recruitment and retention statistics
- TIDE evaluation