The Local Plan for Buckinghamshire


A Local Plan shows where development can happen, and protected places where it needs to be carefully controlled.

The Local Plan is the prime consideration when determining planning applications, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. A material consideration is a matter that should be taken into account in deciding a planning application or an appeal.

It draws up rules, known as policies, for how development happens. Development policies can cover a wide range of things that development must do, such as:

  • building the right number and size of homes
  • creating good places to live, which include shops and places to play
  • contributing to the infrastructure needed to serve the homes, such as roads, schools, and health facilities
  • protecting the environment by supporting wildlife, beautiful landscapes and historic places, and managing flood risk

A Local Plan also provides an opportunity for us to set out how we intend to manage current growth issues and address new and emerging agendas.

Our requirements

We must produce a Local Plan within 5 years of coming into being (by April 2025). Having an up-to-date plan in place brings benefits for Buckinghamshire.

Local Plan aims

A Local Plan aims to deliver sustainable development through:

  • meeting the social, economic, and environmental needs of Buckinghamshire
  • better quality places
  • more comprehensive and predictable delivery of all kinds of infrastructure

It brings benefits for people who live, work, or visit here, through:

  • making sure there are enough of the right homes and workplaces
  • getting the infrastructure in the right place at the right time
  • delivering better deals from developers on the obligations arising from their proposals

It brings efficiencies for us through:

  • making prompt planning decisions
  • fewer planning appeals and so lower costs

We have done more work on these aims and how they can be met. You can see this in the work already underway.

Local Plan work already underway

We are at the beginning of the plan-making process. In August 2020, the government consulted on a Planning White Paper that proposed significant reforms to the planning system.

In May 2022, the government published the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill. It takes many of these proposed changes forward but there is still more detail to come.

There is a limit to how much progress we can make until the government has confirmed the detail and timetable for the proposed changes. However, the early engagement questionnaire and our call for sites will give us a good foundation for progress.

View more progress below: