Transport modelling
Our transport models
We have developed a set of transport models which are used to inform planning applications and Transport Assessments (TA).
How we built them
These models were built to represent:
- typical weekday ‘peak’ traffic flow, from 8am to 9am and 5pm to 6pm
- the inter-peak period, from 10am to 4pm
Developers can apply to use our transport models to help make decisions about their own developments.
Types of models
Junction model
We've developed junction models using VISSIM modelling software. We've done this on an ad-hoc basis to consider specific capacity issues or support planning applications.
The cost of developing these models is small. As such, these models are not regularly updated or maintained.
Junction modelling is used for:
- designing junction or network improvement
- monitoring traffic behaviour
- visualising journey time and queue length
- optimising traffic signals
Local network model
We've developed local network models to represent specific local network conditions within the towns of Buckinghamshire.
These models have been built utilising VISUM software and are used to show:
- congestion
- changes in routing
- analysing interaction of junctions
The models are used for assessing the traffic impact of highway schemes and new land-use development.
Countywide transport model
The countywide transport model is used to:
- analyse major schemes
- illustrate wider changes in flow or delay
- export into GIS and spatial systems
- show routing information
We can input a specific scheme or development into the model which will show how it will affect:
- the flow of traffic
- the speed of the traffic
- congestion
The output of our model can be exported for economic or environmental assessment.