Taxi and private hire duties for assisting disabled passengers

Drivers and operators of taxis and private hire vehicles have a duty to assist disabled passengers under the Equalities Act 2010.

Failure to comply with these duties is an offence and could result in a fine of up to £1,000.

You may also lose your licence.

Driver duties

As a driver you must:

  • carry any disabled passenger
  • provide disabled passengers with reasonable mobility assistance and carry their mobility aids or wheelchair (if safe to do so)
  • help disabled passengers to find or identify your vehicle at no extra charge
  • carry a disabled passenger's assistance dog and allow the dog to remain with them

If your vehicle is included on our list of designated wheelchair accessible vehicles (WAVs) you must:

  • carry any passenger in their wheelchair or transport the wheelchair if the passenger chooses to sit in the vehicle
  • carry any mobility aids
  • provide reasonable assistance at no extra charge

You should never add or propose to add an extra charge for carrying or assisting a disabled passenger.

Exemptions for drivers with medical or physical conditions

You can apply for an exemption certificate if you have a condition that means you're unable to carry assistance dogs or provide mobility assistance.

View our page about applying for an exemption from duties.

Operator duties

As an operator you must

  • accept bookings for or on behalf of any disabled person, as long as you have a suitable vehicle available

You must not:

  • refuse any booking where a disabled passenger is accompanied by an assistance dog
  • add or propose to add an extra charge for bookings involving disabled passengers, including passengers in wheelchairs or with assistance dogs

Further information