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Some of our online forms are unavailable at the moment due to a technical problem. We are looking into this urgently and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Report a concern about a child

If you believe there is an immediate risk of significant harm or if anyone is in immediate danger, always call the police on 999.

For urgent safeguarding concerns the quickest way to let our MASH Team know is by calling them on:

  • 01296 383 962 between 9am to 5:30pm Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm Friday.
  • 0800 999 7677 before 9am, after 5:30pm (5pm on a Friday) or at weekends (Emergency Duty Team).

If you have a safeguarding concern that is not urgent, use the online form below.

This can be used by professionals and members of the public.

If you are a member of the public you have the option not to give your details.

Report now

What is child sexual exploitation

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is when a child or young person is tricked or forced into doing something sexual in return for things like attention, gifts, money, drugs or alcohol.

CSE is a form of abuse and it is against the law.

Young people might not always see it that way, because they are groomed by their abusers. Gradually the abuser forces the child to do things they are ashamed of.

By the time the child realises there is something wrong, they can feel trapped and are too scared or ashamed to tell anyone.

Grooming and sexual exploitation does happen in real life and online. In fact, online contact often plays a big part in exploitation.

(Video reproduced with kind permission of NSPCC)

Spot the signs of child sexual exploitation

Signs to watch out for:

  • Becoming withdrawn, clingy or moody
  • Unexplained changes in personality, mood swings and seeming insecure
  • Nightmares or sleeping problems
  • Running away, staying out overnight, missing school
  • Changes in eating habits
  • Talk of a new, older friend, boyfriend or girlfriend and unexplained money or gifts
  • Spending a lot of time online
  • Losing contact with family and friends or becoming secretive
  • Physical signs such as unexplained soreness or bruises around private areas
  • Unsafe sexual behaviour

Any one sign does not mean that a young person is being sexually abused.

The presence of any sign or change in behaviour suggests that you should begin to ask questions and consider seeking help.

Working together in Buckinghamshire to protect children

Partners in Buckinghamshire work together as part of the Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership.

To safeguard and encourage the welfare of all children and young people in the county.

Child protection conferences

A Child Protection Conference is arranged when there has been a child protection enquiry or social workers have become increasingly worried about your child's safety.

For up to date information, visit Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership website.