Our updated Local Transport Plan (LTP5)

This will be the fifth Transport Plan for Buckinghamshire (LTP5) and it will set out the ambitions, policies and plans for delivering transport improvements for all types of transport across the county until 2040.

As the local Highways Authority, we have the responsibility to maintain safe and usable roads and a duty to manage our road network so that traffic moves efficiently.

The purpose of Local Travel Plans (LTPs)

The Transport Plan Act 2000 requires all Local Authorities to publish a Local Transport Plan.

LTPs contain policies and implementation plans that develop and deliver a transport network that works for all road users including those with mobility difficulties and the elderly.

How LTP5 fits into our other policies

LTP5 is part of our Corporate Plan and Strategic Vision and interacts with a number of important policies such as:

  • the developing Local Plan for Buckinghamshire
  • England’s Economic Heartland’s (EEH) Transport Strategy for the region

LTP5 will explain how we'll:

  • meet our commitments to address transport related carbon emissions as part of our Climate Change and Air Quality Strategy
  • promote sustainable and active travel
  • address the impacts of traffic congestion to improve journeys within and outside Buckinghamshire

LTP5 is supported by several more specific transport policies, such as the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) and the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans.

Current progress on LTP5

We are expecting the new government guidance on Local Transport Plans in Spring 2023. This will tell us the requirements for producing the document including how to estimate the carbon impacts of proposed interventions.

In the meantime, Buckinghamshire’s new LTP5 will be developed over a series of stages.

Reviewing our current plan (LTP4)

In the first stage, we will review the current Local Transport Plan (LTP4) which was published in 2016 to determine its progress and relevance and identify gaps where new or updated policies can be proposed.

We will use:

  • existing knowledge
  • evidence
  • data
  • other relevant approved plans and strategies within the council

to inform the setting of a clear transport vision and objectives. This will provide direction, facilitate planning and define delivery requirements.

These LTP5 objectives will be essential because future transport funding from the government will be dependent on the delivery of these plans.

Vision and objectives consultation

Local Authorities have a duty to consider national guidance and policy as part of transport planning. We are obligated to involve the public in local decision making through targeted engagement with stakeholders and a formal public consultation.

The drafting of the LTP5 vision and objectives has been undertaken alongside the development of the Local Plan for Buckinghamshire.

Development and transport are closely linked so this close integration will ensure that future growth can be achieved in an economical and sustainable way.

Public consultation

The initial public consultation on the LTP5 vision and objectives took place alongside the Local Plan for Buckinghamshire vision consultation from 19 April to 4th June 2023.

Privacy Notice

We will use the information you provide only for the purpose of this consultation. We will store the information securely, in line with data protection laws. The law states that we must make responses available for public inspection, but we will not share or publish any personal details. View our full privacy notice.

Next steps for LTP5

The LTP5 policies will be developed using:

  • feedback received during the consultation
  • current transport challenges in Buckinghamshire
  • government priorities

and we will create and implementation plan for delivering them.

We will hold another consultation on the draft LTP5 polices and action plan in Winter 2023 with the aim to adopt them in Summer 2024.

Further information