Tell us how we can help everyone in Buckinghamshire to age healthily
We are asking people to share their opinions on what is most important to them to help shape the Healthy Ageing Strategy priorities for the coming year.
Helping Buckinghamshire’s residents to live healthy, happy lives for longer is the commitment set down in the council’s Healthy Ageing Strategy (2024-2029). As the programme enters its second year, people are once again being asked to share their opinions on what is most important to them to help shape priorities for the coming year.
In 2023, based on the feedback received in the first consultation, the key priorities of ‘participating in society’ and ‘outdoor spaces and buildings’ were identified as being of most importance to those who took part in the survey. In response to this, in partnership with Heart of Bucks, the Healthy Ageing Fund has been set up, supporting 11 projects to increase social connectedness of older people across the county. A range of Age Well activities have also been delivered as part of the Healthy Libraries programme.
Zahir Mohammed, Deputy Cabinet Member for Public Health said: “We really want to hear from people about what is most important for them to enable them to live well as they grow older so we can move forward with our aims for the coming year.
“To really make an impact we need to understand what is most important to our residents so we can target our efforts.”
The survey is open to people aged 40 years and over who live, work and/or study in Buckinghamshire. It runs until 4 November 2024. To take part visit:
To celebrate the International Day of Older People on Monday 30 September, council partners, Age UK Bucks and Bucks Older Peoples Action Group are organising an event to promote the variety of activities available to older adults in Buckinghamshire. It will feature live demonstrations of chair yoga, bowls and Tai Chi, with performances from local choir, Sing Your Pain Away. There will also be the chance to meet local services and groups to learn more about the activities they run, with free refreshments and goody bags. The free event takes place at Wycombe Library between 10am and 1pm on 30 September.
For more information on the event visit: BOPAG - Home