How you can help rough sleepers


To one of our partner charities listed below. They are all working hard in Aylesbury and elsewhere in the Vale to bring about real and sustained change to the lives of people at risk of becoming street homeless and those already on the street The comprehensive and client centered help that we offer includes helping to address mental health or substance abuse issues, providing or assisting them to find accommodation and sustain a tenancy along with support and advice.


In addition to our partner charities there are other groups, listed in the directory of support services highlighted in the FAQ document, that are always looking for volunteers to support their work – be that helping to prepare meals, putting together food parcels, sorting clothing or just taking time to talk to guests.


If you have the time stop and talk to a person on the street. Show that you care about their situation. You might be able to help direct them to a service that can start their journey to real change.

In-kind assistance

By all means buy a cup of tea or food for people on the street if you wish. But ask first – as even homeless people may have food allergies or intolerances. Also, see the directory of services that lists places that offer free meals for people who need help and support.