Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Topic Report: Sexual and reproductive health
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) topic report: Sexual and Reproductive Health
This JSNA report on Sexual and Reproductive Health has been informed by the 2022 Buckinghamshire Sexual Health Needs Assessment.
If you require a copy of the full Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs Assessment, please email Public Health on [email protected].
This Health Needs Assessment was prepared by the Public Health Action Support Team (PHAST) to inform Buckinghamshire Council about the sexual health profile for the area and performance on key sexual health indicators and trend analysis.
It is important to note the sexual health needs assessment was undertaken during the Covid pandemic.
This resulted in less face-to-face contact with key stakeholders. Services were markedly altered in response to national lockdowns, and this will have inevitably altered the patterns of clinics, delivery of sexual health services and detection of STIs.
As we emerge over the next few years from the pandemic it will be important to identify which groups of people have found it challenging to access sexual health services during this time and how this has impacted on their sexual health and well-being.
The methodology has included comparisons of the key sexual health indicators with the 15 statistical neighbours to Buckinghamshire referred to as CIPFA nearest neighbours (Nearest Neighbour Model) as known at the time of completing the report, as well as the performance of England.
In addition, the needs assessment included online surveys distributed to service users, staff, GPs, pharmacists, as well as 19 key stakeholder interviews.
This report addresses the provision of integrated sexual health services including testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections and provision of the full range of contraception.
The health needs assessment reviewed the latest available data (at the time the needs assessment was conducted in 2021) for Buckinghamshire for each of these priority areas and Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF) indicators. It also included feedback from stakeholders on their assessment of current needs.