Joint Strategic Needs Assessment: Drugs and alcohol



  1. Tailor communications in accordance with data of most commonly used substances
  2. Co-ordinate a schools-based prevention programme across the county
  3. Increase access to youth drug treatment to reduce use persisting into adulthood
  4. Develop methods for providing public health input to alcohol licensing decisions given the increase in purchasing from off-license venues
  5. Consider ways to reduce alcohol consumption across the population, not just in dependent drinkers
  6. Investigate options for reducing recreational use of nitrous oxide, in conjunction with awaited new national guidance
  7. Develop additional offers to support residents to reduce their alcohol consumption

Addressing risk factors and additional support needs

  1. Identify and support vulnerable family members when managing an individual’s drugs or alcohol misuse
  2. Improve identification and support for adults as well as children at risk of exploitation
  3. Increase the identification of military veterans in Buckinghamshire healthcare systems
  4. Introduce a consistent drugs and alcohol intervention service across all six Thames Valley custody suites
  5. Develop closer working between drugs and alcohol and mental health services to facilitate holistic care
  6. Review accommodation options for those with drugs or alcohol issues
  7. Promote the use of the Family and Carers Service
  8. Investigate and reduce features contributing to early unplanned exits in Buckinghamshire treatment

Reducing harms and promoting safety

  1. Work with the Opportunity Bucks programme given the geographical alignment of drug and alcohol-related crime
  2. Examine the recent fall in deaths despite the rising national trend via a drug-related deaths audit to identify if there may be specific actions that can be expanded
  3. Enhance the identification of drivers for neighbourhood crime
  4. BHT to consider an Alcohol Care Team
  5. Increase the uptake of smoking cessation amongst drugs and alcohol treatment clients
  6. Review opportunities to reduce the number dependent on prescription medication
  7. Work towards achieving hepatitis C micro-elimination status for the Buckinghamshire drug treatment service
  8. Increase the proportion of eligible residents receiving hepatitis B vaccination

Working together

  1. Increase active referrals into specialist drugs and alcohol treatment services to facilitate providing early support and harm reduction
  2. Strengthen referral pathways for those users leaving prison into community-based treatment services