How we fund flood management projects

Funding flood management

The government encourages communities to invest in flood management measures which will protect them, and funding is available for local flood management projects.

Central funding for a scheme will relate directly to:

  • the number of households protected
  • the damages being prevented
  • other benefits such as creation of habitat

If a scheme does not receive full funding

If a proposed scheme does not qualify for full central funding, contributions from local partners are required to meet the full costs. This gives each community more of a say in which schemes are taken forward to protect them.

This does mean that local contributions may be required for any scheme to progress, unless the costs of the scheme can be decreased.

If required, local contributions would be sought from those who are likely to benefit from the proposed scheme.

The local levy

We are represented on the Anglian (Central) and Thames Regional Flood and Coastal Committees.

Funding is raised by the RFCCs by way of a levy on the Lead Local Flood Authorities in their areas, and payments are supported by grants from central government.

The amount each LLFA has to contribute is based on the number of band D properties in each LLFA area. The RFCCs are responsible for making decisions on how the levy is spent.

The local levy can be used to support locally-important flood risk management projects that are not considered to be national priorities and do not attract full central government funding.
