What to do about a barking dog
If a barking dog is causing a noise when you're in your house or garden, you should first of all try:
- speaking to the owner
- writing them a letter (if you feel you cannot approach them)
If you're unsure what to write, you can use our letter template.
This can often be the best way to resolve the issue. They might not be aware the dog is causing an issue.
Help with disputes
You may also want to consider contacting Mediation Bucks who offer a free service to assist in resolving disputes between neighbours.
Resolving neighbour disputes
You can find further information about resolving neighbour disputes on GOV.UK, including how you can take action through the courts.
If you’re concerned about a dog’s welfare
If you feel that there are any welfare issues you should call the RSPCA:
Telephone: 0300 1234 999
Keep a noise diary
If the barking continues, you should keep a noise diary for a minimum of 2 weeks.
It will need to show the time and duration of when the barking occurs.
You'll need this if you want to make a formal report to us.
As this is a legal process, we’ll require good evidence of the noise you have been experiencing. Without this, it’s unlikely that we’ll be able to investigate on your behalf.
When we can investigate
We can investigate if a barking dog is causing a noise nuisance, for example, if it barks:
- for prolonged periods
- frequently and excessively
- at unreasonable hours, such as early morning or late at night
If you make a report
If we feel that the noise is causing a nuisance, we may:
- attempt to witness the noise first-hand from your property
- serve an abatement notice on the person responsible to tell them to stop the noise (if we have sufficient evidence)
If the nuisance continues
We’ll ask you to contact us should the nuisance continue. We may:
- gather evidence
- attempt to witness the nuisance
- take appropriate enforcement action
We’ll always look to work with both you and the dog owner to reach a solution.
We’ll also work with the dog owner and offer advice and assistance on measures that can be taken to minimise barking.
Report online
You can report a barking dog to us online.
You’ll also need to send us your noise diary.
Before you make a report, you should think about whether you would be prepared to give evidence in court. You should also be aware that any formal reports may need to be declared in the future.