Prepare for and respond to adverse weather and utility problems

Cold weather

The UK Health Security Agency has guidance on how people and organisations need to respond to cold weather.

The cold weather plan includes action cards for:

  • commissioners and councils
  • provider organisations
  • frontline health and social care staff
  • GPs and practice staff
  • individuals

View the impact based UKHSA Weather Plan on the GOV.UK website.

You can also sign up to receive weather notifications directly from the Met Office.

How to respond when cold weather does occur

View health advice

NHS winter health offer services and information to deal with the effects to our health brought on during the cold winter months including advice about:

  • keeping up to date with vaccinations
  • getting support with your health if you feel unwell

Find out how to keep warm

The Keep Warm, Keep Well campaign created by GOV.UK provides advice on:

  • what temperature to heat your home to if you have a pre-existing medical condition
  • financial support
  • useful contacts in cold weather