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Corporate Parenting Strategy 2020 to 2023

Last updated: 17 May 2022

1. Foreword

1.1 The voice of our young people

‘We Do Care!’ is the Buckinghamshire Children in Care Council. Members are children in care aged 5-18 or care leavers who want to ensure that their experiences, views and ideas shape the services and support available. When asked to contribute to this Corporate Parenting Strategy, the spokesperson for ‘We Do Care!’ stated:

“Being a good Corporate Parent means that you listen to us and that you do not dominate. Whilst not replacing the parenting role, being a good corporate parent means having clear boundaries, helping us settle into new homes and getting the most out of these new routines, ensuring that we feel safe, can sleep and eat well and that there is always someone there for us to talk to and to develop our interests. A Corporate Parent builds our confidence and helps us work through our feelings.”

1.2 Letter from the cabinet member for Children's Services

“We want Buckinghamshire to be the best place for our young people to grow up in and be proud of having done so. Every parent wants the best for their children and as your Corporate Parent we want you, whether you are in or leaving our Care, to feel loved and cared about, to be healthy, happy and safe. We will support you to have good relationships with your peers, family members and professionals, and to develop confidence and ambition so that you can achieve successful independence.

We recognise that we have some way to go, but by working together across all services and partner agencies through to the voluntary sector and our fostering families, I am confident that we will provide the care and support you need to help you achieve your ambitions.

As Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, I am determined that we deliver on this Corporate Parenting Strategy which describes our commitment to you. We will be meeting regularly with young people to check that we are making a positive difference to your lives. Buckinghamshire is committed to being the best parent it can be for all our children and young people.”

Cllr Mark Shaw, Cabinet Member for Children's Services.