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Buckinghamshire Children and Young People 2019 to 2024 Partnership Plan

Last updated: 27 September 2021

Our plan

This plan sets out our shared vision to provide the best support possible for all our children, young people and their families. It does not include everything we will be doing but concentrates on the outcomes for children and young people which will make the biggest difference.

This plan has been drawn up by the Buckinghamshire Children and Young People’s Partnership Board, a multi-agency group of representatives from all the different organisations in Buckinghamshire who work with children, young people and families. 

The experiences and chances that Buckinghamshire children and young people have will shape their lives. Listening to what our children and young people have to say is central to the planning and delivery of services in Buckinghamshire. 

One of our strengths is the way organisations work together across the county. We share the determination and commitment to provide high quality services that give children and young people the best possible chances in life, especially for those who are most vulnerable. To this end we will ensure that we have a well led and trained workforce with the right knowledge, skills and understanding.

We aim to ensure that our children:

  • are safe
  • live fulfilling lives
  • are healthy
  • reach their potential in education and other aspects of their lives
  • together with their families are resilient and can identify their own solutions
  • make a positive contribution to their community

Key facts:

  • 23% of the population is under 18
  • 235 schools
  • 91.5% of pupils attend good or outstanding schools
  • 3.3% of pupils have an Education, Health and Care Plan