26 results for ‘hs2’
Secretary of State decision, land adjacent to HMP Grendon and HMP Springhill
A response from Councillor Peter Strachan, Buckinghamshire Council’s Cabinet Member for Planning and Regeneration.
Council agrees funding for the South East Aylesbury Link Road
Following a Cabinet funding decision yesterday, Buckinghamshire Council has taken another step forward in the construction of the South East Aylesbury Link Road (SEALR).
Don’t get stuck in a jam! – Remember to check before you travel
Check road and traffic updates to avoid getting stuck in a jam.
Parking, roads and transport
Bus service disruptions and stop closures
Find out about bus service disruptions and stop closures for routes across Buckinghamshire
Environmental health, climate change and ecology
Register of Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TTROs) on rights of way
Details of temporary traffic regulation orders
Planning and Building Control
Planning application fees
View a full list of fees for the different types of planning application.