Brownfield land register
Buckinghamshire Council's brownfield land register (BLR) provides information about brownfield land that we think is suitable for housing.
The register is a list of previously developed sites that are available and potentially suitable for housing development, including:
- sites with full planning permission
- site with outline planning permission
- sites without planning permission
Sites must also meet specific criteria set out in the legislation before we can include them on the register.
The register must be made publicly available and kept up to date.
It has 2 parts:
Part 1
Part 1 is list of brownfield sites that we consider suitable for housing regardless of their planning status.
Adding a site to part 1 of the register does not mean it will automatically be granted permission in principle.
Part 2
Part 2 is a subset of part 1 and only includes sites from part 1 that we have granted permission in principle.
We are not currently granting permission in principle for any of the sites included on the brownfield land register.
View the register
View the Buckinghamshire brownfield land register (CSV, 78 KB)
View an interactive map of sites included on the brownfield land register.
Download the Brownfield sites to your map viewer (ZIP, 82.7 KB)
This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence (external website). You are free to download and re-use the data.
Sites no longer available on the register
Sites that have either started construction or have completed building works are no longer available. Their start and completion dates are recorded on the register.
Sites removed from the BLR (CSV, 28 KB)
Nominating a site
To add a site to the register, we must assess the previously developed land against a set of eligibility criteria, regardless of its planning status.
The site must:
- have an area of at least 0.25 hectares or be capable of supporting at least 5 dwellings
- be considered suitable (by the council) for housing development regardless of planning status
- be available – there should be no legal barriers and the landowner should have expressed an intention to develop the land
- be achievable – capable of development within 15 years of being entered onto the register
You can nominate a brownfield site online.
Contact the Planning Policy Team
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01296 383 698