Planning policy news

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Shenley Park Supplementary Planning Document

Shenley Park is a site allocated in the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan.

This document sets out our plans to create “an exemplar development, of regional significance, which will be a great place to live, work and grow”.

Built to a high sustainable design and construction standards, the development will provide a balanced mix of facilities to ensure that it meets the needs and aspirations of new and existing residents, including:

  • at least 1,150 homes
  • 110 bed care home/extra care facility
  • new primary school
  • multi-functional green infrastructure
  • mixed use local centre
  • exemplary Sustainable Drainage Systems
  • new link road between A421 Buckingham Road and H6 Childs Way
  • public transport and cycling and walking links

Events to find out more

We hosted a public drop-in session. A post consultation recording summarising the display material is available to view below.

We have collated the questions asked and produced an FAQ of them for you.

Frequently asked questions - 19 September 2023 (PDF, 99.8 KB)

The consultation is now closed and we are now reviewing the comments we've received.