First Homes – Interim Position Statement

1. Summary

Interim position in Buckinghamshire

1.1 The proposed interim policy position set out in this report reflects the guidance issued by the MHCLG (now Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities – DLuHC).

1.2 In August 2020 Local Authorities were consulted on the government’s proposals to introduce First Homes as part of the affordable housing tenure on all new housing developments.

1.3 First Homes are a new Government scheme for affordable home ownership designed to help local first time buyers and key workers onto the property ladder, by offering homes at a discount compared to the market price. This could save each buyer a significant amount of money, making deposits and mortgages more affordable. The discounts will apply to the homes forever, meaning that generations of new buyers and the local community will continue to benefit every time the property is sold.

1.4 On 1 April 2021, the Government released its response to the consultation setting out the key details for delivery of First Homes. On 24 May 2021 a Written Ministerial Statement (WMS) and changes to the National Planning Practice Guidance were published, setting out further details on the application of First Homes policy and procedures, and confirmed an implementation date of 28 June 2021.

1.5 The WMS requires local planning authorities to make clear how existing policies should be interpreted in the light of First Homes requirements using the most appropriate tool available to them. It is on that basis that this report has been prepared, recommending an interim policy framework for negotiating the delivery of First Homes in Buckinghamshire until such time that it can be incorporated into the new Local Plan 4 Buckinghamshire.

1.6 The Government have clarified that despite absence of First Homes from the July 2021 National Planning Policy Framework, the Written Ministerial Statement on First Homes does not cease to apply and should be read alongside the NPPF as a statement of national planning policy. The WMS still represents current national policy on First Homes and exception sites.

1.7 First Homes will be delivered through three routes within the planning system in Buckinghamshire as set out below until a new Local Plan 4 Buckinghamshire is adopted. This reflects the First Homes Transitional Arrangements (Government policy on First Homes Paragraph: 018 Reference ID: 70-018-20210524) that Local plans and neighbourhood plans submitted for examination before 28 June 2021, or that have reached publication stage by 28 June 2021 and subsequently submitted for examination by 28 December 2021, will not be required to reflect the First Homes policy requirement.

  1. In the Chiltern, South Bucks and Wycombe areas, First Homes are required as these areas have Local Plans adopted before First Homes requirement came into existence. Therefore, First Homes will be secured through the council’s consideration of affordable housing on planning applications. The Government rules on discount and local connection criteria will apply until such a time the council has published evidence to set a local discount and connection criteria.
  2. In the Aylesbury Vale area – no First Homes are required as the Vale of Aylesbury Plan (VALP) was at examination after 28 June 2021 and the area is therefore caught by the transitional arrangements. The associated Affordable Housing SPD will explain the delivery of affordable housing to meet policy H1 in the VALP.
  3. Across Buckinghamshire - Neighbourhood plan policies in new or revised neighbourhood plans can have policies and or site proposals for First Homes.