Road traffic collisions

Members of the public can get basic injury collision data free of charge from public websites, such as CrashMap or Collision Map.

The government also publishes an annual report of road casualties in Great Britain.

If more detailed information is required then a charge will apply. For more information, contact us.

How we collect data

We receive collision data forms for all road traffic collisions which have resulted in personal injury and have been reported to the police (at the scene, online, or at a police station). 

The injuries resulting from road traffic collisions are categorised by severity:

  • killed or fatal (injuries leading to death less than 30 days after the collision)
  • serious injury (includes broken bones, internal injuries, burns, severe cuts)
  • slight injury (an injury of a minor character not classed as serious above)

Safety improvements

Buckinghamshire Highways identifies sites for casualty reduction schemes by reviewing reported injury collisions which have occurred within the last 5 years.

A search is carried out to identify:

  • roads and routes that have the highest rate per km of collisions resulting in users being Killed or seriously injured (KSI rates)
  • sites that have a history of 5 or more collisions (of any severity) within a 50m radius in the last 5 years (cluster sites)

The annual review usually identifies over 150 sites across Buckinghamshire.

Buckinghamshire Highways on average carry out remedial work at 10 sites per year.

Report a collision

If you've been involved in or witnessed a road traffic collision, you can report a road traffic accident (Thames Valley Police).