Network safety policy

Last updated: 9 February 2022


Buckinghamshire Council’s (BC) 3,200km highway infrastructure asset provides a transportation network for both businesses and private users. In providing that transportation network, BC has a duty to promote road safety for all users, be they motorists, users of public transport, cyclists, equestrians or pedestrians, thereby covering all transport modes. The Council’s Highway Services Policy sets out the approach for delivering Highway Services through following Asset Management Objectives which reflect the council’s Corporate Objective. This policy sets out the council’s approach to various activities relating to Road Safety and specifically to contribute to the achievement of the Asset Management Objective:

AMO1: Provide and maintain a network that is safe to use

and will help the council to achieve its objective to “improve connectivity and tackle congestion through investments in our roads, transport and digital infrastructure.”

BC adopts Well Managed Highway Infrastructure, a Code of Practice providing guidance on highways management. The Code promotes an integrated asset management approach to highway infrastructure based on establishing local levels of service through an evidence-led, risk-based assessment.

Therefore, establishing Levels of Service for activities that promote safety on the network will take account of available evidence to assess risk to users, local needs and affordability.

Activities that promote Network Safety and included in this policy are:

  • preventing collisions
  • road safety audits
  • managing speed
  • managing skidding
  • managing roadside obstructions