Leisure audits
Local authorities are required to assess the existing and future needs of their communities for open space, sports and recreational facilities.
The 5 District and County Council's in Buckinghamshire came together to form a singular unitary authority in April 2020. References to AVDC, CDC, SBDC, WDC or BCC are as the council's were formed at the time of the creation of content.
We have conducted a number of leisure audits since 2004:
- 2009 to 2010 audit informed our revised playing pitch strategy PDF, 1.76MB
- 2004 initial audit formed the evidence base for our sport and leisure supplementary planning guidance PDF,853KB (2004) and the ready reckoner PDF,308KB (2005)
- in 2012, a full audit was carried out and this was updated in March 2017- Assessment of Open Space, Sports and Recreation Needs for Aylesbury Vale PDF, 2.53MB
Playing Pitch Strategy and Built Facilities Strategy 2018 to 2019
AVDC (now Buckinghamshire Council) commissioned a new Playing Pitch Strategy to be prepared from May 2018 to March 2019. The Strategy will provide an understanding on the specific needs and opportunities including quantitative or qualitative deficit of playing pitches or surplus now and in the future. The work is a complete update and replacement of the 2010 Playing Pitch Strategy and will utilise elements of the 2017 Assessment of Open Space, Sport and Recreation Needs for Aylesbury Vale. The Strategy will be produced with engagement of Sport England, National Governing Bodies of Sport, Neighbouring Local Authorities, Leisure Operators and Developers, Outdoor Sports Leagues, Major Sports Clubs, LEAP and Parish and Town Councils. The study will follow the Sport England Playing Pitch Strategy Guidance.
The Built Facilities Strategy will be a strategy (the same timescale as the new Playing Pitch Strategy) for built sports facilities to help ensure the priority provision, adoption and maintenance of sport and leisure facilities in the Vale. The facilities covered in this strategy are swimming pools, sports halls, community halls, health and fitness, gyms, athletics, gymnastics, indoor tennis, indoor bowls, squash courts, multi sport leisure complex and sports villages and gymnastic centres. The Strategy will be produced in partners including Sport England, Leap, Bucks NHS CCG, Parish and Town Councils, Site Operators and Wheelpower.