Haydon Hill Park (Aylesbury)

Monet Place, Aylesbury HP19 8SL
- a large open space that forms part of the Riverside Walk, a great place for walking, picnics and informal games
- one of 3 ‘Play on Birds’ play spaces located along the Riverside Walk designed for ages 2 to 14 years, incorporating natural features including a large hand carved wooden barn owl
- a single football goal with basketball hoop, tarmac pad and linking hard surfaced path
- teen shelter
- 4 small informal football goals within the open space
- limited car parking area off of Rembrandt End
Access and inclusive play items
- good access off of Monet Place and Goya Place with a hard surfaced path around the open space linking the play provision
- basket swing
- large wooden owl
- large dish roundabout
Damage or vandalism
Occasionally sites may be subject to misuse or acts of vandalism, which can result in damaged play equipment, graffiti, broken glass or other such issues. In the event that you find a problem at one of our play spaces, let us know.