JSNA topic report: children and young people

1. Introduction

This JSNA briefing on the 0 to 19 HCP Service/Programme has been informed by the Buckinghamshire 0 to 19 Health Needs Assessment report (HNA).

The HNA was prepared by NHS Solutions for Public Health (SPH) and Buckinghamshire council (BC) to inform re-commissioning of Buckinghamshire Council’s Healthy Child Programme (HCP).

The HCP is a preventative programme which includes the Health Visiting and School Nursing Services and the Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) Programme.

The HNA was undertaken by reviewing whether existing provision and service configuration of the HCP in Buckinghamshire met the needs of children and young people (CYP) in the county, and to identify gaps and potential options for improvement.

If you require a copy of the full 0 to 19 HCP Health Needs Assessment, email Public Health on [email protected].