JSNA Data Profile Protected Characteristics


According to the latest Census in 2021, four in five residents in Buckinghamshire were White (79.9%) which is similar to the England average (81%).

In the latest Buckinghamshire School Census (2024) two in three pupils attending schools in Buckinghamshire (and living in the county) were White British (64.5%).

Possible reasons for this difference is a different profile for the younger populations compared to the population as a whole.

Ethnicity compared to England and South East (Census 2021)

Ethnicity compared to England and South East (Census 2021)

Ethnicity of school children living in Buckinghamshire - School census January 2022

Ethnicity Percentage
White 64.5
Mixed / multiple ethnic groups 8.6
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh 21.2
Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African 3.4
Any other ethnic group 0.9
Not obtained 1.3

The maps show ethnic minority groups are not evenly spread across the county and show higher proportions around Aylesbury, High Wycombe, Beaconsfield and Iver Heath.

The maps show ethnic minority groups are not evenly spread across the county and show higher proportions around Aylesbury, High Wycombe and Gerrards Cross.