Get Active

Welcome to Get Active – a service specifically for Buckinghamshire that aims to help you to be more active by providing somewhere that you can search for activities near you!

There are hundreds of activities listed across Bucks you can choose from, so you will be able to find an activity at a date, time and location that suits you.

Search for physical activity options near you

Reasons to be more active

You might have lots of reasons for getting active – maybe you want to get back in shape, relieve stress, improve your mood or have some time for yourself.

Remember, we all have to start somewhere so start with small, achievable activities and gradually build up. With exercise, some is good, more is better! Aim to sit less and move more and you will soon start to feel the benefits in both your physical and mental health.

Being more active can:

  • improve your sleep
  • clear your mind
  • boost your energy
  • help with back or joint pain
  • reduce your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, dementia, Alzheimer's disease and some cancers.

Make a start today – it's never too late!

Our 5 tips for staying active

  1. Buddy up with someone in your household or online to make workouts more fun and stay motivated
  2. Build activity into your daily routine
  3. Find the activity or exercise that works for you
  4. Start slowly and build your activity level gradually
  5. Stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet

Be Healthy Bucks

Be Healthy Bucks is a free service that has already helped thousands of people in Buckinghamshire.

If you want to receive further, personalised support and learn more about other small changes you can make towards a healthier you, visit Be Healthy Bucks.

Mental health and wellbeing

It's important to take care of your mental health. Being more active can help with this, but there are lots of other things to consider.

Every Mind Matters has put together some useful tips to help with your mental wellbeing while at home.

Some ideas to look after your mental wellbeing:

NHS recommended helplines: