Buckinghamshire Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022 to 2025

All Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWB) have a responsibility to publish a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA).

The purpose of the PNA is to:

  • Support local commissioners in decisions about services delivered by community pharmacies
  • Support NHS England in their decision-making process. This is related to applications for new pharmacies or changes at existing pharmacies

Read the Buckinghamshire Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment full report or the easy read version.

There are 85 community pharmacies in Buckinghamshire. There is also one local pharmaceutical service (LPS) contractor. The LPS provides a tailored pharmacy service to the local area it serves.

Email [email protected] if you have any queries about the PNA.

Health and Wellbeing Board statements on service provision

The Board has assessed whether the current and future provision meets the needs of the people in Buckinghamshire.

It has also determined whether there are any gaps in pharmacy services. This can be either now or within the lifetime of this document, 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2025.

The Board has concluded:

  • Buckinghamshire is well served in relation to the number and location of pharmacies
  • There are no gaps in current and future access
  • No need for improvements or better access were identified