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Looked after children

1. Corporate parenting

The responsibility of local authorities to improve outcomes and actively promote the life chances of their children in care and care leavers is referred to as 'corporate parenting'. This is because it must be shared by the whole authority in partnership with relevant agencies. The role of the corporate parent is to act as the best possible parent for each child to ensure they grow up to achieve the best possible outcomes.

We want Buckinghamshire to be the best place for our young people to grow up in and be proud of having done so. Every parent wants the best for their children and as your corporate parent we want you, whether you are in or leaving our care, to feel loved and cared about, to be healthy, happy and safe.

Our Corporate Parenting Strategy 2020 to 2023 sets out our commitment, explaining how we will be an effective and trustworthy corporate parent for any child or young person who is in our care.