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Place your baby for adoption

If you are pregnant and do not feel able to raise your child, you can consider placing your baby for adoption once they are born.

You can find useful information on the CoramBAAF website for women who may wish to place their baby for adoption.

This is a very significant decision to make and we would encourage you to contact us. If you prefer, you could ask your midwife or GP to get in touch with us on your behalf.

How we can help

We can:

  • arrange a visit before the baby is born
  • provide help and advice that you may need whilst pregnant or after the baby is born
  • help you find out about aspects of the law and parental rights
  • speak to you about the adoption process; how it happens, what to expect, and what support you can receive now and in the future

We will support you to do what's right for you. If you do want to go ahead, a social worker will help you plan your baby's adoption and will take into account your wishes and feelings about what you would like for your baby.

They will also discuss how the birth father may need to be involved going forward.

Contact us

If you would like to know more about adoption so that you can make the right decision for you and your baby, please get in touch with us on:

Alternatively, you can pass our details onto your GP or midwife and we can speak to them on your behalf.