Unlock English campaign header

Unlock English - Transform Lives

Learning English is crucial to help Ukrainians, Afghans and other nationalities seeking safety in Buckinghamshire to rebuild their lives.

But we have a shortage of tutors qualified to teach them conversational English.

If you have a TEFL or a similar qualification, could you spare some time to support them, and earn some extra money?

Why we need your help

We have welcomed over 1,800 Ukrainian guests fleeing war and 120 Afghans whose lives were in danger, often due to their work with British forces.

Learning English is crucial to help them rebuild their lives, become an active part of their local community, and gain employment.

Buckinghamshire has already supported with many hours of English lessons but can’t fully meet the need. With a shortage of qualified tutors, we’re seeking people who live in Buckinghamshire or close by, with a TEFL or similar qualification to provide at least 1 hour of in-person tutoring a week.

We will pay you £30 per hour and support you

We will pay you £30 per hour and our Asylum and Migration team will support you, including by:

  • matching you with students and a venue (near your location if possible)
  • covering the costs of a Disclosure and Barring Service check (DBS)
  • providing equipment to allow you to teach at a convenient time


If you would like to apply, or have further questions, please email us.

When applying, include your:

  • name
  • contact details
  • postcode
  • qualifications (for example, TEFL or CELTA)

[email protected]

Additionally, Buckinghamshire Adult Learning is seeking CELTA or equivalent qualified tutors (experienced in delivering accredited ESOL courses) to support learners to gain formal qualifications. Email [email protected] to find out more.


1. What level of learner will I be teaching?

Beginners with limited conversational English.

The goal is to help them with day-to-day life and find employment.

2. How does it take place?

You will be teaching in-person, in a Buckinghamshire community venue to make it easy for you and for those needing the lessons.

We will seek to match you with students in your local area and arrange a suitable venue and equipment for a time and place that suits you.

3. What qualifications do I need?

A qualification to teach English as a second or additional language.

The most common qualifications are TEFL and CELTA, but if you have another qualification to teach English as an additional language, please email us.

4. What should I do to get started?

As a first step, please email us.

We’ll contact you with more information and the details we need from you before we can match you with a venue and students.

5. Are there other opportunities to teach English to speakers of other languages (ESOL)?

Buckinghamshire Adult Learning offers ESOL and English to residents across the county as part of their annual Adult Skills offer.

If you currently hold a CELTA qualification and are experienced in delivering accredited ESOL courses, please email [email protected] for more information about their teaching roles and further opportunities or to send them your CV.