Selling to the Council
How it works
All our opportunities are listed on the Buckinghamshire Business Portal and you will need to register with the site to be able to participate and bid for any contracts.
Our Selling to the Council Guide helps suppliers understand how to win business with us by:
- outlining the rules we must follow
- explaining where to find details of opportunities to supply and how to tender
- explaining what is expected of our suppliers
Working in a consortium
The Working in a Consortium guide helps organisations work successfully in partnership to provide public services.
The guide considers whether a consortium is the right way forward and the advantages and disadvantages of working in a consortium. This guide is written for small charities and local third sector (voluntary and charity) groups. We also consider it to be relevant to small and medium enterprise (SME) organisations.
Our prime contractors
Contract transparency
To comply with the Transparency Code 2015, local authorities must publish details of any contract with a value that exceeds £5,000. These details are available on the Contract Register.
Access the Contract Register by visiting our Transparency and open data page.
Further information relating to the code can be found on Local Government Transparency Code 2015.
All contracts the Council awards are available to view on the following websites:
- between £25,000 and Public Procurement thresholds go to Contracts Finder
- above threshold contract go to Find a Tender Service (FTS)