How we share or explain policy, strategy or terms and conditions
Find out how to use the long form content template to publish official policy and information
These are the page templates that we can use when designing content for our website.
Advice to help you choose a content template when publishing guidance or information on our website
Find out how to use the inline index and information page content templates to help users complete a task
Find out how and when to use the step by step navigation template
Find out how to use the long form content template to publish official policy and information
Find out how to use the events page template to list events on our website
Find out how and when to use the campaigns page template to promote a Buckinghamshire Council campaign
Find out how to use the news page template to publish news on the Buckinghamshire Council website
Find out how to use the location page to help users find a place or venue
Why blogs are useful, tips on writing a blog and how to request a blog.