How we create and manage content on our website

Our approach to content design

This guide is for anyone who creates text, copy, information, forms or images for our website. We call this 'content'.

We work openly and collaboratively to create content that:

  • is user focused
  • is factually accurate and up to date
  • we maintain and iterate
  • meets our standards for accessibility

We only publish what users need. That means we design content for the user, not the service.

We use evidence and insights to create content that meets user needs and to change or delete content that they don't need.

We only ask people for information if and when we need to. Where possible, we test with real users, and iterate our content to improve the user experience.

This section includes methods that can help you create great content. These methods might change depending on what you are doing, from making a small change to a single page to redesigning content for a whole service area. Most importantly, you should choose methods based on:

  • who your users are
  • what will help you understand how your content can best meet their needs

What is content

Content is the material we publish online to help our users live in Buckinghamshire. It could include text (sometimes called 'web copy'), images, navigation, buttons, maps, forms, tables, or links.

When we 'design' content, we think about how all of these things fit together. Content designers use research and evidence to build, manage and improve our website and make it easier for users to get the information they need.