Help taking out your bins

How it works

We provide a free assisted collection service if you need help to take your bin to the pavement. Assisted collections are to help if you have a disability, injury, illness, or any other issue that prevents you from putting your bins out for collection.

This service is for anyone who is physically unable to put their bin, bag or box out for collection and does not have another household member, regular visitor (family member or carer) or neighbour that can put the bins out on their behalf.

Check if you are eligible for an assisted collection

Only ask for help if there is nobody over the age of 16 at your residence who can bring your bins to the pavement.

You must meet at least one of the following criteria to be eligible for an assisted collection:

  • aged 75 or over
  • have a certified short or long term medical condition
  • be registered with a disability

If you qualify you will be notified within 10 working days and we will add your address to our list of assisted collections.

We will then collect your container from an agreed location at your property, empty it, and return it to the same place.

Report a missed bin collection, if bins have not been emptied on collection day.

Apply for an assisted collection

Apply for an assisted collection online.

Apply now

Cancel an assisted collection

If you no longer need your bins collecting from a particular location other than the property boundary, cancel your assisted collection.

Contact us

If you have a question about applying for an assisted collection that is not answered on this page, you can contact us for help.