Local Authority Companies, Trusts and Partnerships

Companies, Trusts and Partnerships that we own (wholly or in-part) or have a significant interest in.

The governance of these companies is completed through:

  • Certificate of incorporation, including the Articles of Association and the Shareholders/Members agreement — setting out how the company must operate in its relationship with us.
  • Directors — councillors and officers hold positions on the boards of those companies we hold shares in the company.
  • Directors on company’s first duty is to that company’s interests.
  • Shareholder/Members representatives — we nominate councillors and officers to present our views to the companies keeping our position clear and up front in decisions in line with the Shareholder/Members agreement.
  • Business plans — the companies have to produce annual business plans that are then presented to scrutiny and cabinet.
  • Shareholders’ Agreement & Reserved Matters — there are only some things the companies can make decisions on. If they want to do things outside of this they must come back to the council for a decision (for example, this often includes major financial decisions such as taking out loans).

List of companies

Aylesbury Vale Estates (AVE)

Directors and shareholder representatives Directors: Corporate Member Buckinghamshire Council, Corporate Member Akeman Partnership Shareholder Representatives: Cllr Bowles, Cllr Strachan and Officer T Lane
Purpose of the company Manages the industrial units, shops and offices in the Aylesbury Vale area owned by Aylesbury Vale Estates (AVE). To manage these properties in a flexible way that responds to occupiers' changing circumstances and supports new and existing businesses. Grow the value of the portfolio. Generate an annual dividend for the shareholders.
Percentage owned 50%
Scrutiny agreements Scrutiny/Cabinet adoption of business plan. Approval of decisions outside the AVE Board’s remit as and when required.

Buckinghamshire Advantage

Directors and shareholder representatives CEO and Director: Richard Harrington Director: Councillor Steve Bowles, Buckinghamshire Council. Director: Lisa Michelson, Buckinghamshire Council Director - Philippa Batting, Buckinghamshire Business First Shareholders: None
Purpose of the company Buckinghamshire Advantage brings project management expertise to the delivery of Buckinghamshire Local Enterprise Partnership’s (BLEP) capital programme, by co-ordinating the delivery of transport, planning, housing and other projects, in the pursuit of shared objectives.
Percentage owned 50%
Scrutiny agreements Operated through Member ownership and voting.

Consilio Property Limited

Directors and shareholder representatives Director: David Pearce, Buckinghamshire Council Director: Nigel Dicker, Buckinghamshire Council Financial Director: Outsourced firm of accountants Shareholders: Buckinghamshire Council via Property Board
Purpose of the company A property company originally set up to identify acquire and manage Commercial Investment for the Legacy Chiltern and South Bucks Council, but following unitary, Consilio property Ltd has become a Residential development and management company helping the Council in progressing its development aspirations in delivering residential property with a strong emphasis on Affordable and keyworker Homes in Buckinghamshire. To Identify and maximise opportunities in line with the Companies aims. Generate an annual dividend for Shareholders. Maintain a reputation for high standards of business conduct.
Percentage owned 100%
Scrutiny agreements Adoption of Business Plan, Property Board act as Shareholders representative. Monthly Board meetings with minutes shared with Property board. Quarterly Directors reports to Shareholders. Annual AGM and Shareholders Meeting.

London Road Business Park Management Limited

Directors and shareholder representatives Director: John Reed Director: Mark Preston
Purpose of the company Taken on when BCC purchased their units on the Business Park. Management services provided by the Company to all the Business Park units (BCC own 3 units out of 9). Receives income from all tenants and discharges all service charges. Not for profit company with limited transactions. Carter Jonas provide management services for the site.
Percentage owned 100%
Scrutiny agreements Business Plan and annual reports through Property Board.