Planning and Regeneration Cabinet Portfolio

Last updated: 18 August 2022

Context of the portfolio

The Planning and Regeneration Portfolio is responsible for the delivery of a number of statutory and regulatory functions, including Planning and Building Control.

The portfolio also has significant income targets related to discretionary services, aiming to reduce dependency on the taxpayer.

A key activity for this portfolio in the years ahead will be the development of the new Buckinghamshire Local Plan for adoption by 2025.

Alongside a programme of supplementary planning documents, Local Plans set the foundation for sound and robust planning decisions.

Around 13,000 planning applications are received every year. Developments, once approved, are monitored and, where required, enforced against to ensure they are built within Local Plans.

Town centre regeneration is of particular importance post-COVID. We are working to regenerate and champion our places, ensuring sustainable growth meets the needs of communities; helps deliver jobs, skills, homes and amenities; and ultimate produce economic growth.