Climate Change and Environment Cabinet Portfolio
Context of the portfolio
Our Climate Change and Air Quality Strategy sets actions for the council to take to become carbon neutral by 2050 and will have a cross-cutting impact on all council services.
Work is underway to plant over 500,000 trees on council-owned land over the next 10 years.
The council has participated in a pilot scheme for developing Local Nature Recovery Strategies, designed to map, plan, and help drive a more coordinated, practical, and focussed action and investment to help nature thrive.
This portfolio also includes environmental specialisms such as:
- strategic flood management (which has a significant capital programme)
- ecologists
- archaeologists
- heritage
- urban design specialists
Waste, recycling and fly-tipping
The council, as the Waste Collection Authority, has a statutory duty to collect household waste from the kerbside of residential properties.
The service also includes all wheelie bin collections, bulky and clinical waste collections, street cleansing, grounds maintenance and the commercial collection services.
The service covers the management and disposal of waste and includes the councils 9 Household Recycling Centres and the Energy from Waste facility.
Initiatives supported to encourage residents to reduce, reuse and recycle include the Real Nappy Library and Community Fridges.
The service continues to support the SCRAP fly-tipping campaign and enforces against fly-tipping.