Buckinghamshire Council Street Naming and Numbering Policy
2. Naming streets and numbering properties
2.1 Property developers and local residents may suggest unique names for new streets.
2.2 Prior to this suggestion being submitted to the Street Naming and Numbering Officer, developers and/or local residents should consult with Ward and Parish/Town Councillors and the local Community Board.
2.3 Once consultation has taken place with Ward, Parish/Town Councillors and the Community Board, this should be submitted to the Street Naming and Numbering Officer for consideration against our criteria.
2.4 If the Ward, Parish/Town Councillors or Community Board objects to the suggested names by the developer or local resident, they may submit their own alternatives.
2.5 If agreement cannot be reached between all parties the Street Naming and Numbering Officer (acting for Buckinghamshire Council) will be the final arbiter in selecting the most appropriate street name.
2.6 Submission of a suggested street name that has been agreed by all parties is not a guarantee that the name will be acceptable and proposed names should not be used in any way until the official street name is confirmed in writing by the Street Naming and Numbering Officer
2.7 Where a street is created as all or part of a new development, all costs for the erection of new street name plates will be paid for by the property developer. There is a specification for the plates and their locations and the Authority should be contacted for advice. Maintenance of street name plates becomes the responsibility of Buckinghamshire Council only once the developer has left the site and the street has been adopted.
2.8 No street name plate is allowed to be erected until the street name has been confirmed in writing by Buckinghamshire Council.