Buckinghamshire Council Street Naming and Numbering Policy
3. Criteria for naming streets
3.1 The Street Naming and Numbering Officer will use the following guidelines when agreeing a new street name. Property developers and Councillors should follow these guidelines for any names they wish to suggest.
3.2 Buckinghamshire Council promote names with a local or historic significance to the area, including the use of names from war memorials. However, it is not sufficient cause to object to a name if it fails to meet these criteria.
3.3 Names with a common theme are encouraged on large developments, preferably with a local or historic connection. Two developments with the same theme within the county shall be avoided.
3.4 Any street name that promotes a company, service or product will not be allowed. Names based on a developer’s trading name are seen as advertising and are not acceptable. An exception to this may be made for a company that no longer exists, if used solely in a historical context and the claim of advertising cannot be made. Copyrighted names are also prohibited.
3.5 Any street name based on a living person will not be allowed including streets named after or in connection to the Royal family.
3.6 Names suggested by the developer may be used as long as they comply with the general street naming procedures and there are no objections from Buckinghamshire Council and appropriate Ward or Parish Councillors. In the event of unresolved disagreement, a final decision will be taken by the Head of Service who has delegated powers to approve street names. An appeal can be made to the Magistrates court once the Section 18 notice is erected on site.
3.7 The changing of a street name or sequence of property numbering shall be avoided, unless there is specific and sufficient reason to do so. This may come in the form of a new development in the street, or a request from the emergency services. The council will pursue alternative solutions and only change the name or numbering as a last resort. In the event that the street name or numbering needs to be changed the following steps shall be taken:
(i) Consultation takes place with all affected rate-payers and the appropriate Ward and Parish Councillors. Two-thirds of the Council Tax or Non- Domestic Rates payers must be in favour of the proposed change to proceed.
(ii) A report, with evidence of the rate-payers’ approval, shall be made to the Corporate Director with responsibility for Street Naming and Numbering, seeking their endorsement to instigate the change.
3.8 We welcome suitable unique street name suggestions from the local community, Councillors, Parish Councils, Town Councils and Community Boards for new streets within their jurisdiction.
3.9 The Street Naming and Numbering Officer will engage with those listed in order to develop a suitable list of street name suggestions that may be called upon ahead of a large development.