Buckinghamshire Council Street Naming and Numbering Policy

11. Fees for the street naming and numbering process

All fees stated below are not subject to VAT.

Existing properties

Service Charge
House name change or addition of alias house name £113
Rename of street where requested by residents (1 to 5 properties) £1,249
Rename of street where requested by residents (6-25 properties) £1,588
Rename of street where requested by residents (26-75 properties) £1,997
Rename of street where requested by residents (76+ properties) £2,751

Add or change a house name on your property.

To rename a street email your request. If we are able to proceed we will email you a payment link.

You can contact the street naming and numbering team online.

New properties

Number / naming Charge
1 property £226
2 to 5 properties £361
6 to 25 properties £421
26 to 75 properties £721
76 to 100 properties £1,009
101+ properties To be confirmed with the developer
Naming of each new street £510 per street