Buckinghamshire Highways Asset Management Strategy 2021

Last updated: 4 February 2022

Performance Management Framework

The Performance Management Framework (PMF) is a set of performance measures and a monitoring regime that support the implementation of this Asset Management Strategy, associated works programmes and drives continuous improvement. Performance measures will be reported on a regular basis and the methodology for recording and reporting has been clearly documented.


The PMF has been developed to provide a clear line of sight from the council’s Strategic Objectives contained within the council’s Strategic Plan 2020 to 23 to the implementation of works programmes. The Asset Management Objectives will be used to assess levels of service against which performance of the assets can be measured.

What the PMF measures

In working towards achieving these Assessment Management Objectives, the PMF includes numerous indicators to monitor the performance of each Objective. These indicators are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound).

The indicators monitor:

  • Outputs – volumes of work achieved (leading indicators)
  • Outcomes – benefits achieved from the work achieved (lagging indicators).

The performance management framework has been developed to understand which areas of the service are most critical in meeting the asset management objectives. The indicators within it will be used to measure progress in the achievement of the objectives, to monitor the success of the strategy and to enable actions to be taken as necessary to deliver it.

Performance targets

Each indicator has a performance target.

Targets will be used to review current and desired performance to identify performance gaps, create action plans to close those gaps and to inform budget setting. Periodic monitoring of these measures will allow for performance below or above the desired levels to be recognised and appropriate action taken. Planning to achieve the targets is carried out as part of the annual business planning process.

The available funding allocated through the Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP) is used to inform the setting of targets. Targets are then approved with the sign-off of the Business Plans


Buckinghamshire Highways (BH) will communicate the levels of service and the relevant performance indicators to key stakeholders as part of the BH Communications Strategy. This will include reporting of the measures themselves and the associated targets. It also includes feedback to and from elected Members and the public. Performance targets and progress towards them will be reported through the production of quarterly dashboards.

Risk management

Risk management is embedded at all levels of BH from business planning and service delivery to the setting of objectives and targets. Risks associated with performance gaps will be identified as part of all decision making. Risk registers will be created, updated and reported through monthly review meetings and mitigation actions will be identified and progressed. Risks will be scored and escalated to senior management in accordance with council's Operating Framework.