How we display a timetable (transport)

Use this when you need to help users find information about transport times (such as bus timetables).

When to use this pattern

Use this pattern to display transport routes and times. This pattern makes it easier for users to find the information they need.

Some points to remember:

  • transport timetables can change regularly so make sure you know who is responsible for keeping the information up to date
  • some users may want to print out timetables - include guidance on how to print the page
  • not all users will know which timetable or route they need - use body copy to help them find the right timetable, rather than publishing a table without any context

How it works

This pattern uses a table to display routes and times. HTML tables are easier to update than PDFs, though some users may want to print a copy of the timetable. Research with users will help you understand what format is most useful for them.

Your table will usually sit within an information page.

Use your body copy to explain what the timetable is about. If you have more than one timetable, use clear headings to help users find the table they need.

For example, for school bus times, some users may not know the name or number of the bus route to their school. However, all users will know the name of their child's school. Use the name of the school rather than the route as the header for your timetable.

Good practice when using tables

Only use tables as a way of presenting data. Do not use tables as a way of formatting text. Most screen readers used by visually impaired people struggle to read tables, which makes the information difficult to understand. Tables should be straightforward and uncluttered. If your table is complicated, present the information in a different way.

If you need to explain something about the information in your table, do this in the body copy.

Add columns to include extra detail. Try not to use more than 3 columns and keep the information in each column brief. If you need to add explanations or guidance, write these in the body copy rather than the table.

Help with this pattern

Contact the webteam via ServiceNow if you need to:

  • ask a question
  • get help with this pattern
  • get help with writing content
  • make a suggestion for something we need to include in this guidance

You can find more guidance on writing content in the content design resources in the GOV.UK Service Manual.

We are still researching these patterns. If you have any research or suggestions that could help us improve this pattern, please tell the Web Team.