Community support for foster families

If you foster with us, you will benefit from a dedicated fostering support team assisting you along the way.

3 women talking and laughing

Support groups

We run regular support groups for our foster carers in Aylesbury, North Bucks and South Bucks. Our foster carers find these to be very helpful as they are able to meet other carers in their local area.

Buddy system

When you are approved as a foster carer with us, you are buddied up with a more experienced foster carer who can act as a guide for you as you begin your fostering career. Your buddy is someone you can pick up the phone to when you have a question or just want someone to talk to.

Sons and daughters group

Fostering is not just undertaken by adults, but by the whole family. We run a sons and daughters group specifically to celebrate and support the children of our foster carers who work so hard to ensure foster children settle into their homes.

The activity-based support group gives children of foster carers a chance to meet others with similar experiences. The group is a fun and informative way for young people to come together during the school holidays.

"As parents we think the Sons and Daughters group is a fantastic programme. Our boys have taken to fostering really well, but we are very aware that they are essentially having to share their parents with another child. It is great that they have this group to go to, to make them feel special and appreciated. Our boys always look forward to what the next exciting activity might be. We are very grateful the Sons and Daughters group exists.”
– Dee, Buckinghamshire foster carer

Annual awards

Each year we hold a Dinner and Awards Evening. This is to recognise the fantastic contribution and outstanding work carried out by our foster carers.

It’s our way of saying thank you to all our dedicated carers, who do such a phenomenal job looking after Buckinghamshire’s children. We also take the opportunity to recognise the long-term service from our carers who have been with us for many years.

Regular newsletters

You will receive a regular newsletter that will keep you informed and help you with your fostering role.

Contact us

You can contact our fostering team to:

  • enquire about becoming a foster carer
  • ask for you or your children to be linked to a support group
  • ask any questions about the support that's available to you as an existing foster carer
Get in touch

Alternatively, you can contact the fostering team on:

You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter or sign up to our mailing list.